Klinisk konsulent Kinas Medical

Today I am happy and excited to announce a new collaboration with Kinas Medical - Human Health run by Merri-Edna and Gerhard Kinas.

Their core values of education and knowledge within the technology makes a really good fit with my approach of shockwave as an art form, and not just a tool.

I’m very excited to step in and join the team.
My role will be to create clinical content for their educational platform and be a part of different workshops in the US in the future with the rest of the strong team.

They founded the company in 2000 with the focus of introducing ESWT technology. Their intense focus on education also made them start The Academy of Shockwave Excellence.
In that way, they can enhance the art of shockwave through high-quality workshops and clinical content presented by a dedicated team of international experts.

Today the first piece of content went online and is a part of a journey through all the different aspects of shockwave technology in the upcoming months.

Read it here