Shockwave increases the effect of PDE-5 for erection problems
ESWT for diabetic patients
An exciting study looking at the effect of ESWT (focused shockwave) in the treatment of diabetic patients with erection problems.
The study shows that 55% of the group that did not respond to PDE-5 inhibitors start to have an effect with the "pills" again after the course of treatment.
So that they can have an effect and start to have a higher quality in their sex life again.
Both groups in the study responded significantly compared to placebo, i.e. there is a really good basis for using ESWT to treat vascular erection problems.
Comment from my side in relation to the study is that it is a very low amount of energy, despite many pulsations. In the clinic I use a higher energy level, as it has been shown from other studies, as well as my own experience, to have a greater effect on the individual client, both with and without diabetes.