Martin’s history with shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction

erectile dysfunction

We help clients daily in the clinic with treatment of erection problems or also called erectile dysfunction. Here our client Martin has written about his experience with shockwave treatment in the clinic.

Martin, lawyer (60 years old):

“Despite regular exercise, a healthy diet and a continued active sex life, through my fifties I have experienced a gradual deterioration in my ability to achieve a proper and sustained erection. In fact, the process probably began even earlier.

Pills I have never really liked, and although an easy and effective short-term effect is achieved here. I was curious when I read about Michael and MS Insight. I took the test and gave myself a birthday present by buying what in my case was 6 recommended treatments.

You quickly get used to the formless and in no way painful treatment with shockwave therapy of the diaphragm and penis. The treatment is painless and you quickly get used to relaxing with the “tingling” waves from the shockwave machine.

Can you convince yourself that there’s not much difference between opening your mouth and dropping your pants in private with your therapist? Then the experience is on a par with a dental cleaning. Michael is very orderly and has always handled the treatments of me and the interaction in the private room in a good and relaxed way.

After my 6 treatments I experienced a noticeable change in both the ability to have and the frequency of having a natural good erection. Cosy when you wake up in the morning, and nice when you’re with your girlfriend.

Although it’s not cheap, it’s been worth it for me and I might go again in 5 or 10 years if I later lose the level I’ve now regained.”