Treatment of disc herniation
Get help with laser treatment
Are you suffering from pain caused by a slipped disc?
Herniated discs are often treated without surgery and will typically consist of offloading the back, pain relief and rehabilitation of the back’s structures once symptoms have subsided. In the clinic, we use laser treatment to reduce the pain of the symptoms in the acute phase. In addition, we can use a bandage to relieve the back during everyday activities. The outlook for recovery is very good, and the vast majority of people who have had a slipped disc recover without surgery. But as it can take many weeks for a disc to heal, patience is needed in the process. We guide you in pain- and symptom-relieving exercises to enable you to take action on your pain.
Client testimonials
Effektiv og hurtigvirkende behandling, fra en yderst kompetent behandler. Forud for et løb fik jeg overbelastet mit knæ, hvilket resulteret i en del smerter og gjorde min deltagelse i løbet usandsynligt. Jeg var så heldig at få en tid på dag, hvilket resulteret i at jeg kunne gennemfører løbet uden nogen smerter – heller ikke efterfølgende. Jeg vil til en hver tid anbefale MS Insight.Christian Henderson
Michael fik styr på min knæskade efter blot 2 behandlinger.. Ingen ventetid og super effektiv behandling.. Tak for hjælpen. Mvh KnudKnud Hyltoft
Jeg modtog en meget professionel behandling af Michael. Jeg ankom med skuldersmerter, hvor min arm ikke kunne føres op til øret og inden jeg forlod klinikken var min skulder fuld funktionel og smertefri. Kan varmt anbefale MS insight. Den bedste behandling jeg længe har modtaget.Sissel Secher-Nielsen
Jeg har modtaget exceptionel god og meget effektiv behandling hos Michael ved MS Insight. Kombinationen af Shockwave og Magnetolith, har givet ekstremt gode og tydeligt mærkbare resultater, allerede inden jeg forlod klinikken. Michael er ekstrem dygtig, og kan med det udstyr klinikken besidder, hjælpe, hvor ingen andre har kunne, og endda med stor succes. Mine bedste anbefalinger. Du vil ikke fortryde dit besøg hos MS Insight – Jeg er imponeret.Louise Hansen
God behandling. Professionel og udforskende. Michael arbejder med mange former for behandling og det gør at man ikke behøver gå til 10 forskellige behandlinger. Hans viden og ekspertise er super. Man er i trygge hænder. Hvad der ellers ikke kunne behandles med hverken kiropraktor, medicin eller træning, fiksede han med en af sin gode maskiner (jeg havde så vidt vides Chostocondritis, inflammation mellem brystben og ribben, der forhindrede at jeg kunne strække mig og gav trykken for brystet). Desuden hjalp han også min mor i gennem en diskusprolaps og ikke kun selve diskusprolaps’en, men også de ting der kan følger med når kroppen ikke er 100% i balance, ondt i benene, infiltrationer(eller hvad det hedder😊) og gode skosåler til holdningen og når man går.Athene Vistisen
Har fået behandlinger hos MS Insight for en akut opstået muskelskade i skuldren. Har oplevet bedring fra første behandling samt stor fleksibilitet i forhold til hurtigt at få en tid med opfølgende behandlinger. Er kommet godt og hurtigt tilbage til normal funktion efter 1 måned.Charlotte Bodil Hermansen
Klar anbefaling herfra !!! 🙂 — Fik ordnet mit træthedsbrud med laser og fik mig så småt igang igen med løb — Man kan altid kontakte ham og høre om en akut tid; svarer som regel indenfor kort tid. Thumbs up !!Que Son Vu
FAQ about disc herniation
When we treat herniated discs in the clinic, we use laser therapy with a level-4 laser. But before that we do a thorough clinical examination. We do this to determine the exact cause of the problem. This is followed by a series of functional tests. Once the initial examination is over, we plan a course of treatment and rehabilitation. With the laser that we use in the clinic, we can stimulate the following with the 4 wavelengths:
- 650-nm Stimulates surface treatment
- 810-nm Stimulates and increases ATP production in cells
- 915-nm Stimulates a more efficient release of oxygen to the cells
- 980-nm Stimulates increased blood circulation
In particular, the ability to increase blood circulation and stimulate cells and pain relief is what we primarily aim for in a herniated disc. Treatment with laser painless and without side effects. The cells that are already in the process of healing will receive energy from outside, thereby strengthening and accelerating the body’s natural healing. We expect to start with 3-4 treatments within the first 10 days, to provide the maximum pain relief from the start. This way we can make sure you get back to everyday activities quickly. We also have the possibility to complement the treatment with shockwave and Magnetolith.
Once we’ve made the right diagnosis and started the pain-relieving treatment, rehabilitation will naturally start in parallel as the pain is reduced. Here we will initiate different kinds of training exercises, which gradually increase in load and intensity. Here you are followed to the end, as the back is weakened and requires the right control of intensity so that you do not relapse. The exercises can vary from some you can do at home, to workouts in a gym or clinic. Here it is important to be patient about the rehabilitation process itself, as results are achieved over time, not after the first training session.
A slipped disc occurs when the soft mass inside the cartilage disc (disc) breaks completely through a crack in the surrounding connective tissue ring. The soft part can then bag out towards the spinal canal. If the bulge presses on one of the nerves, pain may occur. However, this does not mean that a slipped disc always causes pain. A herniated disc most often occurs in the lower back around the lower lumbar vertebrae, but in some cases it can also occur in the cervical vertebrae and in rarer cases in the thoracic vertebrae. Sometimes it can be confused with back pain.
A lumbar disc herniation often occurs during heavy lifting or sudden inappropriate lumbar movements. It will typically cause mild pain in the lower back and clearly radiating pain to one leg. In rarer cases there will be radiation in both legs.
- The pain is usually relieved when the pressure on the nerve root is reduced, which can be by lying down.
- In addition to pain, you often have altered sensation in an area of your leg.
- You may often experience reduced leg strength.
- Bending forward and sideways towards the side where you have radiation in the leg, on the other hand, can often make the pain worse.
- If you have problems with involuntary urination, bowel movements or lack of sexual function, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Laser treatment
We offer effective laser treatment for acute and chronic body injuries, with a focus on improving your quality of life and function.
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