Frequently asked questions


You can call directly on 41 40 08 58 or use the contact form. Alternatively, you can use the quick and easy online booking system, which is also our preferred option.

You should be ready to talk about your past problems and medical history. If you have x-rays, MRIs or similar, please bring the descriptions, as well as a list of medications you are taking.

We usually have emergency appointments that allow you to be seen within 24 hours, but this also means that you need to be flexible with the time you get, as it can be in the middle of the day. Treatment outside of normal opening hours is charged at double the normal rate.

No, we do not take referrals from doctors, so the clinic is open to anyone who needs treatment.

No, the clinic offers specialised treatment solutions outside of health insurance coverage.

As a private clinic offering innovative combination treatments at the forefront of shockwave and EMTT research for various conditions, there is rarely coverage through your insurance company.

Insurance companies often don’t want to cover these effective solutions because it doesn’t fit into their standard framework and prices. And especially not in the field of sexual dysfunctions, unless it’s for a risky surgery. Generally, they will offer you the cheapest possible solution without focusing on the quality of the treatment you need and deserve.

If you want to try to get coverage from your insurance company, you should talk to them before starting the program.

Solutions as it is now are also not offered in the public sector, with coverage from health insurance.

The number of treatments depends on the problem and the individual client. After a thorough initial examination, you will be informed about the possibility of treatment and its scope. But most of our clients are helped within 4-12 treatments.

You can pay by mobilepay, bank transfer or cash in the clinic, the clinic does not accept payment cards and payment is settled after each treatment. Treatment outside opening hours/emergencies can be provided at double the rate.

Cancellations must be made by 17:00 the day before. In case of late cancellation/no-show, the full price of the consultation will be charged. Cancellations can only be made via the booking system or to, Cancellations via voicemail will not be accepted.

There is free parking for 3 hours in front of the clinic on Eliasgade or at Nyrnberggade, remember to leave your parking disc. If you park in the courtyard, there is a space marked MS INSIGHT that can be used.

Can we help you?

The clinic will return as soon as possible, including at weekends.