1. At the first examination, a thorough screening is made of the degree of your erection problem, physical and mental health status. We talk about it openly about it and any lifestyle issues.
  2. Michael identifies together whether it is constant absence of erection, or it is more situational (psychological factors). We recommend that you have your doctor present, as we need to ensure that all blood values and any associated diseases are under control
  3. He performs an ultrasound scan of the penis and pelvic floor.
  4. You will be guided on which pelvic floor exercises to start.
  5. Together we will set expectations for your treatment and the level to which we expect to be able to move you, based on the results of the study.
  6. You receive the first treatment with shockwave and EMTT.
  7. Your course is planned

We'll go in depth to make sure we can put the right treatment strategy in place to restore quality to your sex life. If dietary and lifestyle adjustments are needed, we use external partners.

At the first examination, we will do an ultrasound scan of both your penis and your pelvic floor, in order to target the treatment to your needs. The following are examined:

  1. Blood flow in the 2 arteries of the swollen limb
  2. Is there calcium, fat or plaque in the swelling body?
  3. Muscles in the pelvic floor that can indicate if there is balance in the hormonal system.
  4. Your control over the pelvic floor muscles.

The clinic has the latest and most advanced ultrasound scanning equipment from Sonosite, with probes targeting superficial structures and vessels. The clinic is also one of the few in Denmark to offer such a comprehensive ultrasound scan for erectile dysfunction and has extensive experience in converting the images into a concrete treatment plan.

  • The use of shockwave creates new small blood vessels in the penis and cleans the "dirt" in the swellings. The nerves, muscles and blood vessels of the diaphragm are also stimulated, giving you a stronger and better erection again. Completely without the unpleasant side effects seen with other treatments.
  • A course of treatment therefore consists of 6 or 12 treatments, with 85% of our clients experiencing a better and more powerful erection. The number of treatments is based on the severity of your erectile dysfunction, as well as your medication intake and lifestyle.
  • We clarify what the triggers are for you, the first time you come to the clinic for an examination. Recent research and experiences from our German colleagues show that it is recommended to add an additional course after 6 months. This has been shown to give a longer lasting effect (several years, at the level achieved).
  • A single shockwave treatment in combination with EMTT costs DKK 1,500. We are the only ones in Denmark working with the combination of Shockwave and EMTT, where we see a higher effect than shockwave alone.
  • At the first consultation, you can choose whether you only want a conversation and examination, which costs 1,700 DKK (without treatment) or start right away.
  • If you want to see a review of different studies, you can see them here: Studies on ED

  • The treatment of erection problems (Erectile Dysfunction) with focused shockwave is done by treating the diaphragm and shaft of the penis with shockwave. Here, the sound waves will increase blood flow and the formation of new blood vessels, as well as break down any calcifications and cholesterol build-up in the swelling membranes. It loosens up tense muscles, allowing good blood flow back to the penis from the pelvic floor.
  • The shockwave treatment itself lasts about 15-20 minutes, based on research-based protocols and the equipment available at the clinic, which is the latest available.
  • The treatment is painless for youand cannot be compared to if you have previously had it in a shoulder, for example. You only feel a slight tingle. You are of course welcome to bring your partner to the treatment if it gives you more reassurance.
  • There are no risks and sideeffects of the treatment. You will also be able to have sexual activity as usual throughout the course of treatment. However, it can positively affect bladder control, as well as the quality of ejaculation.

We also have the possibility to combine the shockwave treatment with the brand new EMTT technology, which provides an increased stimulation on the nervous system and elasticity of the tissue in the pelvic floor, as well as an increased release of growth factors, and other building blocks for increased cell quality. Therefore we stimulate a wider area than with shockwave alone.

With this combination, a stronger effect is seen than with shockwave alone. This is also supported by our clients who have previously received shockwave as a standalone. We expect this combination to become the standard for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the future.

We are the only clinic in Denmark that offers this innovative combination treatment, which will give you a better result and stronger erection.

After surgery for prostate cancer, it is common to see severe erection problems. Usually, the surgeon will try to preserve one of the 2 nerves running along the prostate, which has an impact on the ability to erect. If the nerve is preserved, we can use shockwave to increase erectile function, if possible in combination with pills. Thus, you will be able to maintain sexual activity and a good erection. However, it is important to come soon after surgery, as there is an open window for the first 6 months after surgery to stimulate the nerve tissue.

There are many different causes of erection problems in men, besides age. The clinic helps you at the first examination to understand why you have got your erection problem. Below are the most frequently seen

  • Diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Different types of medications (cholesterol, insulin, blood pressure regulators as the most frequent)
  • Physical inactivity
  • Alcohol/smoking
  • Stress / lack of sleep
  • Use of steroids.
  • After prostate surgery, due to nerve damage
  • Tense muscles in the pelvic floor due to frequent cycling

In general, some degree of erectile dysfunction will affect about 50% of men over the age of 50, and increases with age from there. But there are also many young people aged 20 to 40 who suffer from erection problems, and this group accounts for about 30% of those the clinic helps. So it's not just a question of "high" age.

One of the latest treatment options for impotence is focused shockwave, which is used in the clinic at MS Insight.


  • Physical activity
  • Vacuum pump
  • Shockwave/EMTT
  • Injections
  • Surgery (with pump insertion)

"Despite regular exercise, a healthy diet and a continued active sex life, through my fifties I have experienced a gradual deterioration in my ability to achieve a proper and sustained erection. In fact, the process probably began even earlier.

Pills I have never really liked, and although an easy and effective short-term effect is achieved here. I was curious when I read about Michael and MS Insight. I took the test and gave myself a birthday present by buying what in my case was 6 recommended treatments.

You quickly get used to the formless and in no way painful treatment with shockwave therapy of the diaphragm and penis. The treatment is painless and you quickly get used to relaxing with the "tingling" waves from the shockwave machine.

Can you convince yourself that there's not much difference between opening your mouth and dropping your pants in private with your therapist? Then the experience is on a par with a dental cleaning. Michael is very orderly and has always handled the treatments of me and the interaction in the private room in a good and relaxed way.

After my 6 treatments I experienced a noticeable change in both the ability to have and the frequency of having a natural good erection. Cosy when you wake up in the morning, and nice when you're with your girlfriend.

Although it's not cheap, it's been worth it for me and I might go again in 5 or 10 years if I later lose the level I've now regained."

Treatment and examination for erectile dysfunction by specialist at eye level

When you come to the clinic with your erectile dysfunction, you are in safe hands. I am the Nordic region's leading specialist in shockwave for erectile dysfunction. I ensure that you regain a good, hard erection and the stamina that gives you back the quality of life you need by using effective and side-effect-free shockwave and EMTT treatment. It promotes the formation of new blood vessels and nerve pathways in the penis and pelvic floor. This is not seen elsewhere in the Nordics.

Whether you experience occasional challenges or more constant erectile dysfunction, you're not alone, I'm here to help. I offer customized treatment solutions that can be of particular benefit to those who want to super-optimize their sexual function or prevent erectile dysfunction. Or in complex disease processes, such as after prostate surgery or diabetes, or where there is no erection at all. At the bottom of the page, I have described all the details of the treatment and how it works when I help you in the clinic.

I have several different types of focused shockwave to choose the technology that best suits your erectile dysfunction so you don't waste your time or money.

When you first arrive, we will have an in-depth conversation and examination together to find the cause of your erectile dysfunction. We review your lifestyle and other factors that can affect erectile function. We perform a body composition measurement to give you an insight into the health of your body and finally, a series of detailed ultrasound scans of the pelvic floor and penis. They can accurately determine the severity of the erectile dysfunction and/or whether you are at risk of developing problems in the near future.

Effective erectile dysfunction treatment and examination for erectile dysfunction by a specialist at eye level

The scans form the basis for determining the most optimal treatment options and any measures to improve the quality of your erection. These opportunities are not seen elsewhere in the Nordic region. Once we have the solution in place, we begin the first treatment with shockwave and EMTT. That way you'll get your potency, hardness and confidence back. I give you the tools and treatment to make a difference to yourself and your sex life.

I'm a passionate expert who has dedicated myself to focused shockwave therapy from morning to night, specifically targeting erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's disease since 2017. I have gained international recognition and I am known for my in-depth knowledge. That's why I treat men of all ages from all over the Nordic region on a daily basis, and every patient is treated with care and respect. That's why you can feel safe.

My methods are inspired by and build on the concepts of Prof. Lars Lund. I have set a high standard that many clinics both in Denmark and abroad seek to follow when combining EMTT and shockwave to treat erectile dysfunction. You will receive treatment and examination of your erectile dysfunction by one of the Nordic region's leading experts and trainers in urological shockwave therapy.

In addition to specializing in shockwave therapy, I am also a certified sexologist. Alongside the clinic, I teach other shockwave practitioners and specialists around the world. I am a member of The International Society for Sexual Medicine and ISMST.


Do you have an erection problem?

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FAQ about erectile dysfunction

  1. At the first examination, a thorough screening is made of the degree of your erection problem, physical and mental health status. We talk about it openly about it and any lifestyle issues.
  2. Michael identifies together whether it is constant absence of erection, or it is more situational (psychological factors). We recommend that you have your doctor present, as we need to ensure that all blood values and any associated diseases are under control
  3. He performs an ultrasound scan of the penis and pelvic floor.
  4. You will be guided on which pelvic floor exercises to start.
  5. Together we will set expectations for your treatment and the level to which we expect to be able to move you, based on the results of the study.
  6. You receive the first treatment with shockwave and EMTT.
  7. Your course is planned

We'll go in depth to make sure we can put the right treatment strategy in place to restore quality to your sex life. If dietary and lifestyle adjustments are needed, we use external partners.

At the first examination, we will do an ultrasound scan of both your penis and your pelvic floor, in order to target the treatment to your needs. The following are examined:

  1. Blood flow in the 2 arteries of the swollen limb
  2. Is there calcium, fat or plaque in the swelling body?
  3. Muscles in the pelvic floor that can indicate if there is balance in the hormonal system.
  4. Your control over the pelvic floor muscles.

The clinic has the latest and most advanced ultrasound scanning equipment from Sonosite, with probes targeting superficial structures and vessels. The clinic is also one of the few in Denmark to offer such a comprehensive ultrasound scan for erectile dysfunction and has extensive experience in converting the images into a concrete treatment plan.

  • The use of shockwave creates new small blood vessels in the penis and cleans the "dirt" in the swellings. The nerves, muscles and blood vessels of the diaphragm are also stimulated, giving you a stronger and better erection again. Completely without the unpleasant side effects seen with other treatments.
  • A course of treatment therefore consists of 6 or 12 treatments, with 85% of our clients experiencing a better and more powerful erection. The number of treatments is based on the severity of your erectile dysfunction, as well as your medication intake and lifestyle.
  • We clarify what the triggers are for you, the first time you come to the clinic for an examination. Recent research and experiences from our German colleagues show that it is recommended to add an additional course after 6 months. This has been shown to give a longer lasting effect (several years, at the level achieved).
  • A single shockwave treatment in combination with EMTT costs DKK 1,500. We are the only ones in Denmark working with the combination of Shockwave and EMTT, where we see a higher effect than shockwave alone.
  • At the first consultation, you can choose whether you only want a conversation and examination, which costs 1,700 DKK (without treatment) or start right away.
  • If you want to see a review of different studies, you can see them here: Studies on ED

  • The treatment of erection problems (Erectile Dysfunction) with focused shockwave is done by treating the diaphragm and shaft of the penis with shockwave. Here, the sound waves will increase blood flow and the formation of new blood vessels, as well as break down any calcifications and cholesterol build-up in the swelling membranes. It loosens up tense muscles, allowing good blood flow back to the penis from the pelvic floor.
  • The shockwave treatment itself lasts about 15-20 minutes, based on research-based protocols and the equipment available at the clinic, which is the latest available.
  • The treatment is painless for youand cannot be compared to if you have previously had it in a shoulder, for example. You only feel a slight tingle. You are of course welcome to bring your partner to the treatment if it gives you more reassurance.
  • There are no risks and sideeffects of the treatment. You will also be able to have sexual activity as usual throughout the course of treatment. However, it can positively affect bladder control, as well as the quality of ejaculation.

We also have the possibility to combine the shockwave treatment with the brand new EMTT technology, which provides an increased stimulation on the nervous system and elasticity of the tissue in the pelvic floor, as well as an increased release of growth factors, and other building blocks for increased cell quality. Therefore we stimulate a wider area than with shockwave alone.

With this combination, a stronger effect is seen than with shockwave alone. This is also supported by our clients who have previously received shockwave as a standalone. We expect this combination to become the standard for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the future.

We are the only clinic in Denmark that offers this innovative combination treatment, which will give you a better result and stronger erection.

After surgery for prostate cancer, it is common to see severe erection problems. Usually, the surgeon will try to preserve one of the 2 nerves running along the prostate, which has an impact on the ability to erect. If the nerve is preserved, we can use shockwave to increase erectile function, if possible in combination with pills. Thus, you will be able to maintain sexual activity and a good erection. However, it is important to come soon after surgery, as there is an open window for the first 6 months after surgery to stimulate the nerve tissue.

There are many different causes of erection problems in men, besides age. The clinic helps you at the first examination to understand why you have got your erection problem. Below are the most frequently seen

  • Diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Different types of medications (cholesterol, insulin, blood pressure regulators as the most frequent)
  • Physical inactivity
  • Alcohol/smoking
  • Stress / lack of sleep
  • Use of steroids.
  • After prostate surgery, due to nerve damage
  • Tense muscles in the pelvic floor due to frequent cycling

In general, some degree of erectile dysfunction will affect about 50% of men over the age of 50, and increases with age from there. But there are also many young people aged 20 to 40 who suffer from erection problems, and this group accounts for about 30% of those the clinic helps. So it's not just a question of "high" age.

One of the latest treatment options for impotence is focused shockwave, which is used in the clinic at MS Insight.


  • Physical activity
  • Vacuum pump
  • Shockwave/EMTT
  • Injections
  • Surgery (with pump insertion)

"Despite regular exercise, a healthy diet and a continued active sex life, through my fifties I have experienced a gradual deterioration in my ability to achieve a proper and sustained erection. In fact, the process probably began even earlier.

Pills I have never really liked, and although an easy and effective short-term effect is achieved here. I was curious when I read about Michael and MS Insight. I took the test and gave myself a birthday present by buying what in my case was 6 recommended treatments.

You quickly get used to the formless and in no way painful treatment with shockwave therapy of the diaphragm and penis. The treatment is painless and you quickly get used to relaxing with the "tingling" waves from the shockwave machine.

Can you convince yourself that there's not much difference between opening your mouth and dropping your pants in private with your therapist? Then the experience is on a par with a dental cleaning. Michael is very orderly and has always handled the treatments of me and the interaction in the private room in a good and relaxed way.

After my 6 treatments I experienced a noticeable change in both the ability to have and the frequency of having a natural good erection. Cosy when you wake up in the morning, and nice when you're with your girlfriend.

Although it's not cheap, it's been worth it for me and I might go again in 5 or 10 years if I later lose the level I've now regained."

Ultrasound scan for erectile dysfunction treatment

Do you have questions about erectile dysfunction?

Get a no-obligation phone consultation for erection problems. Call Michael on 4140 0858.


You can also write to the clinic to get answers to your questions.