Treatment of Dupuytren's contracture with shockwave
Knuckle fingers don't mean surgery - we can help
Dupuytren's contracture is a condition that reduces your quality of life and your level of function due to the knotted strings that have appeared in the connective tissue of your hand. Fingers can no longer straighten and motor skills can be challenged. Men der er andre løsninger end blot en operation, som kan give ubehagelige bivirkninger.
WE can help you effectively combat the irritation of the tendon in a combination of shockwave and EMTT, so you regain full function. We support the treatment with ultrasound imaging, so we can continuously check the progress of the condition and adjust the treatments accordingly.
Klient udtalelser
Jeg modtog en meget professionel behandling af Michael. Jeg ankom med skuldersmerter, hvor min arm ikke kunne føres op til øret og inden jeg forlod klinikken var min skulder fuld funktionel og smertefri. Kan varmt anbefale MS insight. Den bedste behandling jeg længe har modtaget.Sissel Secher-Nielsen
Jeg har modtaget exceptionel god og meget effektiv behandling hos Michael ved MS Insight. Kombinationen af Shockwave og Magnetolith, har givet ekstremt gode og tydeligt mærkbare resultater, allerede inden jeg forlod klinikken. Michael er ekstrem dygtig, og kan med det udstyr klinikken besidder, hjælpe, hvor ingen andre har kunne, og endda med stor succes.Louise Hansen
God behandling. Professionel og udforskende. Michael arbejder med mange former for behandling og det gør at man ikke behøver gå til 10 forskellige behandlinger. Hans viden og ekspertise er super. Man er i trygge hænder. Hvad der ellers ikke kunne behandles med hverken kiropraktor, medicin eller træning, fiksede han med en af sin gode maskiner (jeg havde så vidt vides Chostocondritis, inflammation mellem brystben og ribben, der forhindrede at jeg kunne strække mig og gav trykken for brystet). Desuden hjalp han også min mor i gennem en diskusprolaps og ikke kun selve diskusprolaps’en, men også de ting der kan følger med når kroppen ikke er 100% i balance, ondt i benene, infiltrationer(eller hvad det hedder😊) og gode skosåler til holdningen og når man går.Athene Vistisen
FAQ about Puske Fingers / Dupuytren
We offer you an effective course of treatment for dupuytren contracture with shockwave & EMTT without side effects. You will regain a better quality of life, with greater control over your hand, as we go in and break down the small knots that have developed in the connective tissue and tendon tissue.
When using shockwave and EMTT, we stimulate not only the connective tissue and tendons themselves, but also the nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Completely without unpleasant side effects, which can be seen after an operation. In this way, we loosen up the various structures that are causing you discomfort.
A standard course of treatment consists of 3-6 treatments. For some, a higher number of treatments may be necessary. The number is based on the severity of your cusps, how long it's been going on and how you're responding to treatment.
We are the only clinic in Copenhagen to offer this innovative combination treatment With this combination, we see a higher effect than with shockwave alone. This is also supported by our clients who have previously received shockwave as a standalone.
As one of the few clinicians in Denmark, and the only one in Copenhagen, Michael works directly with Storz Medical in Switzerland, in terms of training and development in shockwave technology. They are market leaders in the production and development of shockwave equipment.
Cusps / Dupuytren's contracture is a chronic disease that develops over time, forming hard and knotted strings in the connective tissue of the hand, which lies between the skin and the tendons. The cord extends from the palm to the fingers and slowly shrinks. It locks the affected fingers so that they can no longer be stretched. In about half of the cases both hands are affected, but it can be in different degrees.
We have 2 types of shockwave in the clinic.
A focused shockwave, which is a high-frequency sound wave used on specific and smaller areas to affect cells. When using focused shockwave, we always do an ultrasound scan so we can target the treatment specifically.
En radierende shockwave, som er en trykbølge, som bruges til at arbejde med større muskel og vævsområder.
The advantage of having 2 types of shockwave in the clinic allows us to offer you a holistic treatment. A programme that addresses your primary symptoms and pain, while allowing us to work globally in the affected muscle chains and areas.
In this way we ensure that we work as effectively with the cause and compensations in the body as with the symptom. Both types of shockwave are described in more detail further down the page, for those who want to know more. Should it be necessary to supplement the treatment with laser therapy, we also have the possibility for this.
The MS Insight Clinic works with the best equipment on the market from Storz Medical. Alongside the clinic, Michael works as a trainer for both the Danish importer Secma Medical and the manufacturer Storz in relation to the training of new therapists.
Extracorporeal Magneto transduction Therapy, or EMTT, is a new technology for treating acute and chronic injuries of the body.
The clinic is the first in Denmark to offer the technology, and works directly with the manufacturer to further develop the equipment and treatment protocols.
The treatment is carried out by a powerful and high-frequency pulsating magnetic field from the Magnetolith machine, affecting the environment of the body's cells so that they work more efficiently. In this way we can influence lymphatic activity, tissue damage, muscle tension, pain conditions and inflammation conditions.
Thus, we work effectively with EMTT technology for problems such as joint and muscle pain, but also in connection with tendons and bones that are damaged. In addition, it stimulates nerve activity, growth factors and the formation of small blood vessels. In this way, we speed up healing, reduce pain and increase your quality of life again. If you want to read more about the technology itself, you can find it at the bottom of the page.
The treatment is without side effects, and can penetrate up to 18 cm into the body. A normal course of treatment with Magnetolith will be between 6-8 treatments depending on the type of problem. The treatment feels like a light prickling and stinging.
In the clinic, we usually combine EMTT treatment with focused shockwave, as we see really good results with combination treatments. The treatment is fully clothed, as direct skin contact is not necessary, in order to