Treatment of complications of diabetes
Laser & shockwave treatment
Diabetes has complications that can be extremely debilitating and limit your quality of life. In the clinic, we have the ability to help you with a variety of secondary diseases, using our advanced shockwave and laser equipment.
Diabetic neuropathy is a highly debilitating secondary disease. The condition can have several causes, but common to them all is permanent damage to the nerves to the skin, muscles and organs. In the worst case, the nerves can perish completely. Depending on the cause, there are different treatment options.
Some of the conditions can be regulated through lifestyle changes. This could include changing habits around diet, alcohol and exercise. In other cases, you will have to learn to live with the pain and loss of function. Here, treatment approaches will be to reduce the pain so that it is tolerable in everyday life.
As it is a chronic condition, it can also take a long time from a lifestyle change being initiated to you seeing the final result, and this is where we can help you with laser treatment.
Diabetic foot ulcers are a common diabetic complication that must be taken very seriously. If the wound develops and major tissue death occurs, which may result in amputation.
When you have diabetes, the risk of developing foot ulcers is much higher than in other people who do not have diabetes. The precursor to diabetic foot ulcers is neuropathy, where the nervous system and blood supply may have been damaged. The precursor to diabetic foot ulcers is neuropathy, where the nervous system and blood supply may have been damaged.
The shockwave treatment helps to increase the formation of new small blood vessels in the tissue. At the same time, shockwave stimulates the activation of the body’s stem cells, tissue growth factors specific for wound healing, ATP production in the cells, and the formation of collagen fibres, which are the building blocks of the skin.
One of the perhaps debilitating diabetes sequelae for men’s mental health can be erectile dysfunction. This may be because there are problems with blood flow in the penis itself. This can often come as a result of prolonged exposure to diabetes. If you are in doubt about the severity of your ED problem, we have a test you can take here, after which we can guide you to the right treatment solution.
The treatment itself is done with focused shockwave, where we stimulate the nerves and the development of new small blood vessels in the shaft and diaphragm itself.
Client testimonials
Effektiv og hurtigvirkende behandling, fra en yderst kompetent behandler. Forud for et løb fik jeg overbelastet mit knæ, hvilket resulteret i en del smerter og gjorde min deltagelse i løbet usandsynligt. Jeg var så heldig at få en tid på dag, hvilket resulteret i at jeg kunne gennemfører løbet uden nogen smerter – heller ikke efterfølgende. Jeg vil til en hver tid anbefale MS Insight.Christian Henderson
Michael fik styr på min knæskade efter blot 2 behandlinger.. Ingen ventetid og super effektiv behandling.. Tak for hjælpen. Mvh KnudKnud Hyltoft
Jeg modtog en meget professionel behandling af Michael. Jeg ankom med skuldersmerter, hvor min arm ikke kunne føres op til øret og inden jeg forlod klinikken var min skulder fuld funktionel og smertefri. Kan varmt anbefale MS insight. Den bedste behandling jeg længe har modtaget.Sissel Secher-Nielsen
Jeg har modtaget exceptionel god og meget effektiv behandling hos Michael ved MS Insight. Kombinationen af Shockwave og Magnetolith, har givet ekstremt gode og tydeligt mærkbare resultater, allerede inden jeg forlod klinikken. Michael er ekstrem dygtig, og kan med det udstyr klinikken besidder, hjælpe, hvor ingen andre har kunne, og endda med stor succes. Mine bedste anbefalinger. Du vil ikke fortryde dit besøg hos MS Insight – Jeg er imponeret.Louise Hansen
God behandling. Professionel og udforskende. Michael arbejder med mange former for behandling og det gør at man ikke behøver gå til 10 forskellige behandlinger. Hans viden og ekspertise er super. Man er i trygge hænder. Hvad der ellers ikke kunne behandles med hverken kiropraktor, medicin eller træning, fiksede han med en af sin gode maskiner (jeg havde så vidt vides Chostocondritis, inflammation mellem brystben og ribben, der forhindrede at jeg kunne strække mig og gav trykken for brystet). Desuden hjalp han også min mor i gennem en diskusprolaps og ikke kun selve diskusprolaps’en, men også de ting der kan følger med når kroppen ikke er 100% i balance, ondt i benene, infiltrationer(eller hvad det hedder😊) og gode skosåler til holdningen og når man går.Athene Vistisen
Har fået behandlinger hos MS Insight for en akut opstået muskelskade i skuldren. Har oplevet bedring fra første behandling samt stor fleksibilitet i forhold til hurtigt at få en tid med opfølgende behandlinger. Er kommet godt og hurtigt tilbage til normal funktion efter 1 måned.Charlotte Bodil Hermansen
Klar anbefaling herfra !!! 🙂 — Fik ordnet mit træthedsbrud med laser og fik mig så småt igang igen med løb — Man kan altid kontakte ham og høre om en akut tid; svarer som regel indenfor kort tid. Thumbs up !!Que Son Vu
Experience with shockwave treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
– Martin 60 years.
Despite regular exercise, a healthy diet and a continued active sex life, through my fifties I experienced a gradual deterioration in my ability to achieve a proper and sustained erection. In fact, the process probably began even earlier.
Pills I have never really liked, and although an easy and effective short-term effect is achieved here. I was curious when I read about Michael and MS Insight. I took the test and gave myself a birthday present by buying what in my case was 6 recommended treatments.
You quickly get used to the formless and in no way painful treatment with shockwave therapy of the diaphragm and penis. The treatment is painless and you quickly get used to relaxing with the “tingling” waves from the shockwave machine.
Can you convince yourself that there’s not much difference between opening your mouth and dropping your pants in private with your therapist? Then the experience is on a par with a dental cleaning. Michael is very orderly and has always handled the treatments of me and the interaction in the private room in a good and relaxed way.
After my 6 treatments I experienced a noticeable change in both the ability to have and the frequency of having a natural good erection. Cosy when you wake up in the morning, and nice when you’re with your girlfriend.
Although it is not cheap, it has been worth the money for me and I may go again in 5 or 10 years if I later lose the level that I have now regained.
About MS Insight
The clinic is a private clinic offering an alternative treatment setup to the public system with shockwave and laser treatment for diabetic secondary diseases Michael, who owns and organizes the treatment in the clinic, is a specialist in shockwave and laser treatment for chronic problems.
In particular, the ability to boost the body’s natural healing processes and stimulate the nerves is one of the most important aspects of treating diabetic complications.
In addition to his work as a therapist in the clinic, Michael also teaches both nationally and internationally in the field of shockwave and works with the major shockwave manufacturer Storz Medical