Visit to Storz medical

Visiting these days STORZ MEDICAL AG in Switzerland.

The purpose of the visit is to get an update on technology, knowledge and to expand the good cooperation we have, in terms of equipment and teaching.

When I'm in the factory, I have the opportunity to talk to product specialists, developers, engineers, sales and market things, where I can expand my knowledge in terms of knowledge and technology.

At the same time, I have the opportunity to bring my experience back to them, which can be translated into the development of products and concepts, together with the other reference specialists they have in their network. Things that may end up in new protocols, or changes in functionality on the product side.

Last night I had the pleasure of being to dinner some of the ESWT founding fathers and where that I especially with Prof. Dr. med. Jens Rassweiler(also a guest at Storz these days), had a great chat about the possibilities and what direction we might need to look in relation to treating peyronies and erection problems with shockwave.

It has been a really good trip and the next foreign workshop trip will probably be to Dubai with focus on Urological shockwave and orthopedic indications (muscles and tendons)

Dinner with founding fathers and Storz representatives

Visit from Storz Medical

Visit from STORZ MEDICAL AG Sweden last night in the clinic

Michael Thörnlund who is responsible for urological shockwave in Sweden, Norway and Finland, was present.

The aim was to gain an insight into the practical implementation of ESWT, for among other things erection problems in a 360 degree setting for clinics in the Nordic countries.

I look forward to the future Nordic collaboration with Michael, it will be really exciting.

Visit to Storz medical

Visiting these days STORZ MEDICAL AG in Switzerland.

The purpose of the visit is to get an update on technology, knowledge and to expand the good cooperation we have, in terms of equipment and teaching.

When I'm in the factory, I have the opportunity to talk to product specialists, developers, engineers, sales and market things, where I can expand my knowledge in terms of knowledge and technology.

At the same time, I have the opportunity to bring my experience back to them, which can be translated into the development of products and concepts, together with the other reference specialists they have in their network. Things that may end up in new protocols, or changes in functionality on the product side.

Last night I had the pleasure of being to dinner some of the ESWT founding fathers and where that I especially with Prof. Dr. med. Jens Rassweiler(also a guest at Storz these days), had a great chat about the possibilities and what direction we might need to look in relation to treating peyronies and erection problems with shockwave.

It has been a really good trip and the next foreign workshop trip will probably be to Dubai with focus on Urological shockwave and orthopedic indications (muscles and tendons)

Dinner with founding fathers and Storz representatives

Shockwave teaching in Saudi Arabia

This past week I have been in Saudi Arabia teaching shockwave to Storz Medical.
It has been an exciting week, where I have held 7 workshops and training sessions in shockwave, EMTT and ultrasound scanning. It has been at various university hospitals, private clinics and at the local distributor, Care Techniques.
It's great to teach at that level and to be able to inspire other therapists to be able to increase their results.
This time, the focus has been on the treatment of muscular problems, where the focus has been to raise the level of individual therapists and specialists. In particular, the work with connective tissue and the special fascia transmitters has given much attention in the individual sessions.
In the next 2 months there will be a number of training sessions in Denmark at different clinics and for Secma Medical, before a training trip to Dubai, focusing on urological shockwave .
Here are some pictures from the trip.
Shockwave Saudi Arabia

At the Saudi German Hosputal in Riyadh, I had to teach all the department heads from the "chain", so they had flown in from the 6 branches across the country to attend, so they could go home and teach their own staff the material they had learned

Saudi German Hosputal in Riyadh: In Saudi Arabia, women only treat women. For today's lesson, however, an exception is made, but she doesn't ask permission, she just does it. She is a department head and thus respected for her professionalism. She was an amazing woman to meet, ambitious and talented. Her greatest wish was to build her own private clinic, and her husband supports the idea.

Shockwave Saudi Arabien

Alle deltagerne på Saudi German Hosputal i Riyadh. Afterwards there was a handshake ceremony with the leaders and me, though not for the female participant, this is still not culturally appropriate, though a lot has happened. So there we had a picture where we are standing next to each other

Training in EMTT technology at a private clinic

Ultrasound scan in conjunction with shockwave

Interview mit Shockwave

Last week Michael was interviewed by an English shockwave expert, in relation to the use of shockwave, and the various issues he works with

Watch the full interview here, please note it is in English